Travel Update: Australia

I've been in Australia for a while, but I haven't shared much about what it's been like. So, here goes. I go to a lot of museums because they're free, and they have a lot of interesting stuff here. Did I mention that they're free? That makes a big difference. Australia costs a fortune to stay in. I've been eating a lot of junk food to save money (sorry, Umma) and staying in the crappiest hostels. The one I'm at right now has the most disgusting bathrooms I've ever been in. They constantly smell like condensed urine (I don't know if there's such a thing, but it's really pungent) and more than one stall has human poop on the floor. They don't clean up very often. Their "security" is a joke. It's a huge hostel so late at night security roams the halls and stairways. But they don't do anything. Except wait outside the girls shower room, acting like they're patrolling... but I think they're just gross old dudes looking for some skin. But on the plus side, I've gotten to stay in lots of random locals' homes for free so I'm not always stuck in these nasty hostels. Yay for hospitality! Australians are all really laid back, but they're also really scared of America. Apparently our "right to bear arms" law really freaks them out. They seem to think that every American is a gun totin', trigger-happy madman that's going to shoot them if they ever visit. I'm trying to change this image whenever I meet Australians, but it's not easy.

Food here is whatever. Well, it's good and very diverse, but there's not much that's really Australian except kangaroo steaks (not that special, its like a buff version of a cow) and Vegemite (yeast extract, similar to Marmite). The stuff that is pretty good is from other places (they have pretty good Asian foods all over) and it's generally overpriced. Like everything else in this country. But that's because they all get paid a lot. Minimum wage goes up as you get older, and I met 18 year olds making nearly $20 an hour, saying that was pretty normal. So in the end the tourists are the ones that get screwed over. But I do like the fact that plumbers and electricians aren't looked down on here. In America, I always felt that these vocations were not quite seen the same as medical practices or law. But here, they're not looked down on and they make bank. Apparently, Australia is a bit short on hairdressers as well, so it's easy to get a working visa if you apply as one.

My favorite things about Australia are it's laid-back culture, the accent, and the sky. True, Australia is really expensive and the lodging is gross, but people are laid back, happy, and hospitable. It feels great. Although I wouldn't say Australia makes it to the Top Vacation Destination list (not saying it's not amazing, but as a vacation destination I think other places are more action-packed), it is one place that I wouldn't mind living. I feel really comfortable and I enjoy the atmosphere. People just don't seem that stressed. The accent is also a major plus because it's a lot easier to understand than heavy British accents, and it's way hotter. Seriously, I want to marry random girls I see (then hear) on the street because they sound so cool. Last, but not least, is the sky! No one else I've met seems to notice this, but I think the sky here is really gorgeous. It's really blue, but it kind of changes shades as you look higher and higher. The clouds are also really vivid and fast-moving, so cloud watching is actually a really cool thing to do here. I could take a picture of any random building and it would be beautiful simply because the sky is so magnificent here.

Australia is a nice place to wander around since the cities aren't too crowded and there's plenty of nature. Parks, gardens, and random green patches in the city are all very common. Venturing outside the city provides even more wildlife. There are lots of natural reserves, beaches, and parks in the suburbs and beyond. I highly recommend Australia for anybody who doesn't want too much of a culture-shock (it's like America... but still different), but at the same time wants to see a different culture over a longer period of time without a language barrier. If you stay here for several weeks, you'll start to see little differences that make you really notice aspects of American culture that you probably took for granted. Also, the weather is awesome. No cold!


Eureka said...

Brandon! =) I enjoy reading about your adventures I finally got a blog so now I can comment you =)

Jessie said...

Great post.Looks like you having a lot fun in that time.

Pousadas Em Florianopolis

Anonymous said...

Which part of Australia are you in ? I'm Korean-American and have travelled extensively on the east coast. Good luck on your travels :)

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