mah puppiez

I couldn't sleep last night. I went to bed around 12:30 but I was awake, tossing and turning, until a little past 4. What could possibly be on my mind for that long, causing me to lose precious sleep?

My rovery dogs! My current dog, Mimi, is not that nice to people. She's not extremely playful or even that cute. But I miss her so much. And honestly, I kind of like the fact that she only loves a few people. She loves my dad most, then me second most... and after that she doesn't really love anyone else. She doesn't jump up to greet my sister or brother or mom. Just me and my dad. Maybe Matt, now that he lives in my house, and maybe my Halabuji... but I'm not even too sure about them. I kind of like that her love isn't cheap and she's only loyal to few.

And once upon a time Mimi got knocked up by the dog across the block. I forget what breed he was but Mimi had some damn cute puppies. And since Mimi isn't that hot of a dog, I figure he must've been like the Brad Pitt of gangajis. Anyways, back to the puppies. I think there were four. And Mimi was such a good mama-dog, and we'd play with her little munchkin puppies that couldn't even walk. And then they grew bigger and smarter and were SO playful. The puppies actually loved everyone and were pretty smart and I remember teaching one of them (the one we kept, Coco) how to sit and shake in just a couple weeks. Freaking awesome puppy. I think we named Coco after her fur color, although she did have some caramel streaks as well. There was also Pico, who we gave to Yoontae and his family but they gave him to a mushroom farmer. And Boots, who we gave to my dad's boss Pat but she ended up living with us again until we gave her and Coco away. I think Pat wasn't allowed to keep dogs or something, but she really loved Boots and cried when they parted... So sads. And I don't even remember the fourth one. I guess he/she was the unloved one. Poor thing. Ugh, all the puppies were so cute and I don't even know what happened to them. Who did we give them away to? Will I ever see them again? Do they remember me? These questions haunted me last night and prevented me from resting!

I also started thinking about all the dogs I've met around the world. Chapchae the skinny little puppy (I named him) in Haiti, Ayshee (cutest misbehaving beagle puppy ever) in France, Chinga (the rapelling dog) in Costa Rica, Mystery Genius Dog (that led horses and attacked other dogs on command) in Argentina. They were all really cool but I just want Mimi and her puppies. I didn't know I ruved them so much until last night. Ugh.

puppiez, i miss youzz


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